Will Luck Counselling Surrey and Hampshire

Frequently Asked Questions

Q). Are sessions conducted in person?
A). Although I plan to return to face to face work ASAP, currently sessions take place remotely via zoom. This is due to the ongoing pandemic and may change as the situation does. I have a practice in Farnham Surrey where I can resume face to face work once the time is right and it is safe to do so.

Q). How much will counselling cost.
A). I charge £40 per session.

Q). How long are sessions?
A). Sessions are 50 minutes.

Q). How long will I need to come to therapy?
A). There is no easy answer to this question. Some people find that they achieve their goals with just a few sessions while other people prefer to stay in therapy for longer periods of time. There is no typical time-frame for healing with counselling, it depends on many variables including the personality of the client and the depth of the issue. At the start of our work it will be typical to discuss your aims and goals but I will not set a time-frame unless you want to.

Q). How often do I come?
A). Once a week. In some cases people benefit from having more than one session a week and I am happy to work this way if it is what is beneficial to the client. Although some therapists believe that working multiple times in a single week fosters a deeper level of therapeutic engagement it must be noted that there is very little evidence that results happen quicker while working this way.

Q). Can I come once a fortnight instead of weekly?
A). In my experience, fortnightly sessions are not sufficient for development and growth to take effect, especially in the early stages of counselling when the client and myself are establishing our working relationship. I am open to discussing this further if you have any questions.

Q). Is counselling completely confidential?
A). Yes although there are some limits to confidentiality.
I will not discuss our work with anyone except my supervisor. When I discuss my work in supervision, I make sure my supervisor does not know the client in question.
If details of a serious crime are disclosed to me in therapy, I may be bound by law to break confidentiality (but usually not if the client themselves are the sole victim of that crime).
I am happy to explain the limits of confidentiality in more detail if you have any further questions or concerns.

Q). Do you adhere to a regulatory body?/Do you work to a code of ethics?
A). Yes. I am a member of the BACP (the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists) and I follow their ethical framework.

Q). Will I have to talk about my childhood or things I do not feel comfortable discussing?
A). Although unresolved childhood issues are often at the root of people's difficulties, I will not pressure you into talking about anything that you are not ready to discuss. The pace of our work will be dictated by you.

Q). I've heard CBT is an effective form of therapy. Do you offer this?
A). I am not trained in CBT.
CBT has been shown to be very effective with certain issues (such as OCD, anxiety etc.), but it is important to know that this is different from the counselling I offer. Whereas CBT will work with the symptoms and behavioural manifestations of issues, counselling will focus on uncovering and resolving the underlying root of the issue. Many practitioners argue that counselling can provide a lasting solution to problems that is sometimes not found through CBT. Some clients find that a course of CBT (to solve problematic symptoms such as panic attacks) followed by counselling (to resolve the underlying problem) can be beneficial. If you are interested in CBT it is usually offered for free through the NHS so I would recommend speaking to your GP.

Q). I have another question that is not in this list.
A). Please feel free to email me and I will do my best to answer any questions you have.

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